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Acott, C., Nimorakiotakis, B., and Winkel, K, D. (2005).  Venomous and toxic marine animals.  In D. Williams, S. Jenson, B. Nimorakiotakis, K.D. Winkle (Ed.), Venomous bites and stings in Papua New Guinea  (pp. 298-327). Brunswick, Victoria: Almar Press.

Australia Wide First Aid. (n.d.). Pressure immobilization bandage.  Retrieved from

Health direct (August 2017).  Sea creature bites and stings.  Retrieved from

Mulachy, R., Stiles, D., Tewhatu, L., Lipp, T., Michael, A., . . . McBride, J., (2016).  Section 2:  Emergency / toxinology (bites and stings).  InMulachy, R., Stiles, D., Tewhatu, L., Lipp, T., Michael, A., . . . McBride, J., (Ed.), Primary clinical care manual 9th edition, (pp. 258-285).  The Rural and Remote Clinical Support Unit, Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service, Cairns

Webb, F. (Writer and director). (2017, April).  Snakes of Papua. 

All photos were taken from authors own images, Wix stock footage, and David R. Pattison gave permission to use his stingray photo.  Also special thanks to Fiona Webb, Dr. Diane Matthews, Sandra Ashworth and David Pattison for their editing help.

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